I like to eat apple. 我喜歡吃蘋果,句子裡的蘋果是抽象的蘋果,大小、顏色、甚至確切的形狀都不清楚。
I want to eat an apple. 我想吃一顆蘋果,這顆蘋果不在你面前,而存在你的腦中,你可能要到冰箱裡去找,你也可能要去超市買。
I want to eat the apple. 我想吃 (桌上那顆) 蘋果 (the apple)。
The nurse takes care of patients with heart. 此 heart 是抽象的「心」,「with heart」是抽象的「用心」,不是那顆會跳的心臟。
The heart beats average 76 times per minute. 「The heart」是那顆具體會跳的心臟。
當你開始要發表文章時, 可能遇到的第一個大問題是「The」。
Current admission of acute myocardial infarct has greatly increased in comparison with previous years’.
如果你只是 ”憑感覺” 隨意 (抽象) 寫出,上例是十分自然的用法。
如果你經過詳細的統計分析,得到有具體的數字的結果, 你可能因要強調 current admission (每月85 人) 及 previous years' admission (每月50人) 間的差異有多少 %,因而這樣寫:
The current admission of acute myocardial infarct has greatly increased in comparison with the previous years’.
所以,不宜斷章取義、拘泥執著於某篇 top journal 中的某種用法,同一篇文章,不同作者去寫,「The」 的用法可能大異其趣。
對於 The 我將其分為三類
1. 必須要加 the:大部分人體的組織、器官及主要的排泄物或分泌物,定義十分具體清楚,因此都要加 the。
A mass of 3 x 3 cm in diameter was observed in (the) segment 6 of the liver.
There is a stenosis in the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
The AVF was created by anastomosing the radial artery with a branch of the cephalic vein on the wrist.
There were visible fine crystals found in the urine.
The number of the sperm was small in the semen.
Liver, circumflex branch, left coronary artery, radial artery, cephalic vein, wrist, urine, sperm, semen 都屬人體組織、器官、排泄或分泌物,定義十分清楚,因此都要加 the。
Systemic lupus erythematosus usually involves the kidney, muscle, blood vessel, and heart. 只要加一個 the。但如果你要強調兩者或三者都十分重要,全部都加 the 也可以。He fell from the tree, hurting the head and the right shoulder.
2. 不需要加 the:舉例而言 A mass of 3 x 3 cm in diameter was observed in (the) segment 6 of the liver. Another mass of 2 x 4 cm was found in (the) segment 3. The mass in the segment 6 looked like a hemangioma.
同樣是 segment 未被強調或未被指定的 segment 不必然要加 the (也可加),但被指定像 hemangioma 的 mass,其所在的 segment 則一定要加 the。
肝臟的 segment,如果你認為是定義清楚的區塊,可以加 the;如果你寫文章的當下,覺得不必把某個 segment 定義得十分清楚 (你腦子裡沒有具體的影像),則不必一定要加 the。話說回來,肝臟的 segment 只有腸胃科醫師比較清楚。
Treatment of a disease relies on accurate diagnosis. 疾病的治療倚賴正確之診斷。此句的「Treatment, 治療」代表一種抽象的意義,在你的腦海中沒有任何具體的方案,因此不必加 the。
In Taiwan, the treatment of Helicobactor pylori has been well-established by the triple-drug therapy including a PPI, amoxcillin, and clarithromycin. 此句的「Treatment, 治療」代表一種具體的意義,在你的腦海中有一個治療的方案 (即 The triple-drug therapy)。
3. 可加可不加,視作者想要表達的東西是抽象或具體。
(The) Abdominal CT showed an abscess of 6 x 8 cm in diameter located between segments 6 and 7 of the liver. Then, the patient was given Rocephin for two weeks. (The) Abdominal CT was done again, showing decreased size of the abscess (3 x 5 cm). 第一個 abscess 用 “an”, 第二個 abscess 用 “the”.
Abdominal CT 在你腦中有何概念?很具體的話,就是一台機器 (加 the);不具體的話,就是一項感覺起來蠻抽象的檢查項目而已,在你腦中沒有呈現一個具體的影像 (不加 the)。
具體與抽象之間,有時不見得能做 "是與不是" 的區分,要看作者撰文時的主觀意念,這就是文字的奧妙,「文無定法」英文也是如此。
- Oct 08 Sat 2011 20:49
「The」-- I