今日讀到B細胞在淋巴結 T zone和B zone附近與Tfh cell 完成linked recognition,活化的B cell部分往medullary cord聚集為primary focus,部分回到primary lymphoid follicle增殖形成germinal center.....
"Germinal center的plasma cell會進入medullary cord,或是離開淋巴結進入骨髓"
這是Plasma cell homing。下圖顯示Naïve B cell被入侵的抗原活化後分化成Plasma cell的過程,Cell surface marker會變,參與分化的Transcription factor也會變,其中Blimp-1 drives antibody production。胞膜上的CXCR4在分化成熟的Plasma cell增加,其Ligand SDF-1 (Stromal cell derived factor-1 = CXCL12)由骨髓中的Stromal cell分泌,吸引Plasma cell至骨髓定居。骨髓是IgG-producing plasma cell最重要的藏身地,壽命數個月到數年,Plasma cell可在骨髓中製造抗體:
Major plasma cell marker: CXCR4
Major plasma cell transcription factor: Blimp1, IRF4, XBP1
Plasma cell 主要Homing to骨髓,另一主要的Homing site是呼吸系統及消化系統黏膜下方的淋巴組織,骨髓與黏膜淋巴組織的Plasma cell會持續產生抗體直到該Plasma cell死亡。骨髓的Plasma cell主要產生IgG(也有IgM及少量IgA),黏膜淋巴組織的Plasma cell產生IgA。
Plasma cell homing的細節請參閱下文:
Homing過程需要Plasma cell胞膜上的Integrin 與 Chemokine receptor,不同的Integrin與Chemokine receptor決定where a plasma cell is to be homing,即Homing site的細胞分泌Chemokines吸引Plasma cell前往定居。
Homing site的Epithelial cell或Stromal cell分泌Chemokines (如CXCL12, CCL25, CCL27, CCL28)吸引Antibody-secreting cell (ASC即發育成熟的Plasma cell)前往定居。
1. Homing to bone marrow需要Integrin a4b1(to its ligand VCAM1) + CXCR4 (to its ligand CXCL12)。
1. Homing to mucosa lymphoid tissue需要Integrin a4b7(to its lignad MADCAM1) + CCR9 (to its ligand CCL25) and/or CCR10 (to its ligands CCL27 and CCL28)。
上圖Antigen challenge: Small intestine及Respiratory IgA-producing plasma cell是對抗共生菌。Systemic (non-mucosal) plasma cell可能發生在急性感染或慢性感染,臨床上急性感染如Mycoplasma pneumoniae(MP)感染,血中可測到Anti-MP IgM。Anti-MP IgM-producing plasma cells home to both the lung and bone marrow, but the antibody fails to combat the bacteria. 慢性感染如幽門桿菌(Helicobacter pylori, HP)感染,血中可測到Anti-HP IgG。Anti-HP IgG-producing plasma cells home to both the stomach and bone marrow, and likewise the antibody fails to eradicate the bacteria. 以抗生素殺菌(MP or HP)後,血中 anti-MP-IgM or anti-HP IgG 會逐漸消失。Anti-MP IgM can switch to IgG. Anti-MP IgG-producing plasma cells home to and stay in the bone marrow where the IgG is produced until the plasma cells die.
- Jan 19 Sun 2020 16:13
漫談免疫學-33(Plasma cell homing)