這兩天Former LSE PhD Law student Dr.Tsai Ing-wen一詞掀起熱議,正解是:如果蔡英文真的有拿到LSE的PhD,正確的英文寫法是LSE PhD graduate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen。
「Former」與「Previous」的主要差別在「Former」強調「The person or object was something, but no longer is.」。例如:
He was my former business coworker。他是我以前生意上的合夥人(但現在不是)。
The baseball field was established from the former Jason Shopping Center。這棒球場是從以前的Jason購物中心蓋起來的(現在已不是Jason Shopping Center)。
如果你沒在表達「The person or object was something, but no longer is.」,最好用「Previous」比較不會出錯。
在一家醫院的病歷上若有人用「former surgery」,大家就會一窩蜂跟著用,例如:
Abdomen: A surgical scar due to former surgery of HCC。最好寫成:
Abdomen: A surgical scar due to previous surgery of HCC。
CXR: Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm due to former lung surgery。最好寫成:
CXR: Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm due to previous lung surgery。
There is a 1.5-cm radiolucent lesion in the right upper lobe, which was the former (previous) lung cancer。
「previous」有在強調「The person/object was something before someone/something else took over or replaced it.」。
如果用「former」意指該lesion已不是lung cancer。
如果用「previous」意指該lung caner經手術切除後在X光片中被1.2-cm radiolucent lesion取代。
- Jan 18 Sat 2020 13:57
Former or Previous?