

Tom is a school boy. He takes the Taipei Metro to the school every day and usually sits on the priority seat reserved for people who need it. Sometimes he sits and pretends to have something in mind. So he thinks people around him should have understood what he is doing. With this, he justifies his sitting on the priority seat in the Metro.

湯姆是個學生,他每天都搭捷運上學,而且常坐在博愛座上,博愛座是保留給需要坐位的人。有時他坐在博愛座上故意想些事情,因此他認為週遭的人應該知道他在幹嘛 (想事情!)。藉著這個理由,他認為他坐在博愛座上理由充分。

Once again he took the Metro and sat on the priority seat. An old man with a walking stick was standing beside him. He pretended as usual without seeing the old man. A few days later, he played basketball with his friends and hurt his right leg very badly. On the next day, he took the Metro standing with a crutch. He saw a young girl sitting on the priority seat and keeping her eyes on a book without giving a glimpse on his handicapped leg. Tom felt sad because he did the same thing before. Now he understands that the priority seat is important for people who need it.


In the Taipei Metro System, there are a few seats reserved for the elderly, the handicapped, the children, and the pregnant women. The healthy citizens should leave these seats for them. In a civilized country like Taiwan, we are educated to help other people in mass transportation system. Tom truly learns a lesson in the Taipei Metro. After his leg injury heals, I think he will not only avoid taking the priority seat in the Metro but also stand up and make a regular seat for people who need it.  

Sometimes he plays his iPhone on the seat and pretends not seeing people around him. With this, he justifies his sitting on the priority seat in the Metro.


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