美國牛牽涉到狂牛病 (Mad cow disease),考生不必讀得太深,如果被問到,要用簡單的話答出來。
狂牛病的病因出在一類叫做 Prion 的蛋白質,它與人類中樞神經的某種蛋白極像,但結構不同,重點是,Prion 會把人類的蛋白結構轉換成 Prion 的結構;Prion 的立體結構在人類中樞神經無法正常運作,於是產生腦部海綿化的神經病變。病發後很快就會死亡;感染後的潛伏期可能長達十年.
Mad cow disease is related to a protein called prion. The protein looks like another protein in human brain and changes the human protein to the structure of prion. The altered human protein does not function normally in the brain. Thus the brain loses its shape and looks like a sponge. Finally the disease occurs, and the patient dies soon. The latent period may be as long as ten years after infection.
瘦肉精是一種叫做Ractopamine 的藥,它可促進脂肪的分解,增加肉品蛋白質的含量。原本是研發做為氣管擴張劑,但不適用做醫用藥物,後來才發現它可置入飼料中,小劑量就可增加肉類品質。
The drug we call “瘦肉精” is named Ractopamine. It promotes breakdown of the fat and increases the amount of protein in meats. The drug was initially developed as a bronchodilator but proven not suitable for medical use. It was later found to improve the quality of meats in raised animals fed as a food additive in a small dose.
禽流感可能傳染人類,但每個人的體質不同,呼吸道對禽流感病毒的反應也有異,這包括細胞膜上的病毒受體 (病毒藉此進入細胞) 與個人的免疫反應;人類與病毒的交互作用非常複雜。
Avian flu virus may infect a human. The viral infection depends on genetic background of the human body and defense of the respiratory tract, involving a receptor in the cell membrance for the virus. The virus enters a cell through the receptor. And also involved is the host immune response to the virus. It is a very complicated interaction between human and virus.