撰寫文章時,你可能會參考別人寫的詞句,按照中文的習慣,「與 ---- 相較」用「Compared with」似乎比較通順,但醫學文獻中不斷出現「Compared to」,你要用哪一個?
Compared with lamivudine, entacavir causes less mutation in HBV DNA.
(與 lamivudine 相比,entacavir 較不易造成 B 型肝炎病毒 DNA 突變。)
Compared to lamivudine, entacavir causes less mutation in HBV DNA.
with 與 to 之間,意思有差嗎?
我曾問過一位美國醫師,他親口告訴我:「no difference」。換句話說,你習慣用甚麼就用甚麼!
但「compared to」有時不能解釋成「比較」,作「比擬」較適合。
Jobs passed away. His life is compared to a movie.
Jobs is dead. His life is like a movie.
His life is compared to a movie. 不能寫成 His life is compared with a movie.
Facebook 的問題:我看有些 paper用 comparing to (with) 或者 To compare...,有差別嗎?
「To compare with」與「Comparing with」的虛擬主詞是主動的 “人”。
「To compare with」因有 「To」,所以有 “為了------ ” 之意。
To compare with vancomycin the anti-microbial effect, we adjusted the dose of teicoplanin from 500 mg to 2000 mg per day.
為了與 vancomycin 比較抗菌效果,我們調整 teicoplanin 之劑量,每天 500 至 2000 毫克。
「Comparing with」的主詞是人,所以就是人去做比較:
We compared with other three PPIs and found that Nexium 40 mg QD is enough to achieve anti-HP effect in combination with clarithromycin and amoxicillin. 我們比較其他三種 PPIs 發現 Nexium (四十毫克) 每天服用一次就可與 clarithromycin + amoxicillin 合併,達到治療幽門桿菌的效果。(HP: helicobacter pylori 幽門桿菌)
Comparing with other three PPIs, we found that Nexium 40 mg QD is enough to achieve anti-HP effect in combination with clarithromycin and amoxicillin.
此句 “Comparing with” 並沒有 “為了------- ” 之意。
P.S. PPI (proton pump inhibitor) 市面上有四種 Nexium, Takepron, Pantoloc, Pariet.
- Dec 08 Thu 2011 12:56
“Compared with” or “Compared to” ?