He was sent to the ER where the doctor set up emergent ECMO to maintain his vital sign. 這句子怎麼看文法都沒啥問題,但仔細推敲句意,的確有問題!
I have an iPhone which makes my life colorful. 我有一支讓我生活變得多彩多姿的 iPhone。---which之後的子句用來形容 iPhone (形容詞子句)。
I have an iPhone, which makes my life colorful. 我有一支iPhone,它讓我的生活變得多彩多姿。---which之後的子句用來修釋 iPhone (副詞子句),等同下面的句子:
I have an iPhone, and it makes my life colorful.
He was sent to the ER where the doctor set up emergent ECMO to maintain his vital sign. --- where 之後的子句用來形容ER (急診室),請問:世界上有一種專為 “醫師裝設緊急葉克膜” 的急診室嗎?
He was sent to the ER, where the doctor set up emergent ECMO to maintain his vital sign. 這樣寫就對了!等同下面的句子:
He was sent to the ER, and there the doctor set up emergent ECMO to maintain his vital sign.
- Nov 11 Fri 2011 21:39
你會這樣寫嗎?-- 5