And he said the movie, about working people who try to recover money they lost to a Wall Street billionaire's Ponzi scheme, wasn't meant to make any statement.
So the news that a cosmetic company is developing a pill to prevent hair from graying will offer Americans more options than ever to not only turn back the clock, but -- as experts note -- to eliminate common differences that make individuals distinct.
But the weekend earthquakes were among the strongest yet in a state that has seen a dramatic, unexplained increase in seismic activity.
在文學小說與報章雜誌中,你常常會看到上面的寫法,And----------;So-----------;But----------。這些用法都是正確的,但你看一看教科書裡的正文中,幾乎找不到這樣的用法。在撰寫科學論文時,一定要避免使用 And, So, But 開頭的句子,這是一種習慣,千萬不要違反這種慣例。
我當年在國防醫學院發表的第一篇文章,Abstract (摘要) 裡面就有一句是這樣寫「However, in spite of the overproduction of P-glycoprotein, both HOB1/VCR1.0 and HOB1/ADR2.0 cells did not exhibit decreased accumulation of intracellular [14C]ADR. And the retention of [14C]ADR was not affected by verapamil.」,後來才知道這不是科學文章的正確用法。
此外,撰寫科學文章時,不可以使用 isn’t, doesn’t, won’t 這樣的縮寫。Unfortunately, Surprisingly, To our surprise (astonishment), 以及 No wonder, We wonder 也不宜出現於科學論文中。我早期寫醫學文章時,也曾用過這些字,到美國與實驗室的朋友們切磋之後,慢慢了解科學文章與報章小說寫作上的不同。
- Nov 07 Mon 2011 06:01
你會這樣寫嗎?-- 4