Coronary artery disease has become the major chronic disease in developed countries during the past decades. 最近幾十年,冠狀動脈疾病已成為先進國家主要的慢性病。
上面的句子怎麼看也看不出有甚麼問題,你會猜想版主要討論 the,但「the major」、「the past」有錯嗎?你寫英文若被美國人說「not well written」不是沒有原因,有些字用錯了,句意就會出現對比的誤差。
我們學英文只知道「the」有「指定」之意,卻不知一旦「指定」之後就變成「專屬」。「the major chronic disease」誰說是「Coronary artery disease」的專屬?高血壓、糖尿病、高血脂、過敏、氣喘、關節炎呢?
Coronary artery disease has become a major chronic disease in developed countries during the past decades.
Coronary artery disease 只是主要慢性病的其中之一,不是 the major one。
a major = one of the major
Coronary artery disease has become one of the major chronic diseases in developed countries during the past decades.
AIDS has become the major sex-transmitted disease in developed countries during the past decades. 淋病與梅毒現在已不是甚麼可怕的性病,愛滋病一支獨懼,儼然成為性病的代名詞,因此 the major 非 AIDS 莫屬。你想用 a major 未嘗不可,只是語氣會稍弱。
曾經在好幾本住院病歷中看到 Admission Note 的第一句:
A 45-year-old male patient --------------------------------。
那本病歷已指定為該病人所有,而且是專有,因此不能用 「A patient」或只用「Patient」,一定要用「The patient」才對。
Aspirin has been widely used in the treatment of coronary artery disease. 此處「in the treatment」比 「in treatment」好,因為 Aspirin 預防血栓形成是冠狀動脈疾病公認的標準治療。
Avastin has emerged as a new modality in treatment of breast cancer. 此處「in treatment」比 「in the treatment」好,因為Avastin 治療癌症的成效爭論很多。
英文寫得好與不好,就差那麼一點點!有時不是「對與錯」的問題,你覺得沒錯,但美國人覺得不好,希望這些「The 」的用法與經驗對學弟妹與讀者們會有幫助。
- Oct 11 Tue 2011 14:31
「The」-- IV