Microsatellite instability 是癌症研究的重要課題,它是很具體的DNA變化,但對於學生而言卻是十分抽象的概念。
Microsatellite 有點像是造物者蓄意留下的核酸指印,主要序列是 (CA)n,n=2-5 (多半是3 或 4)。這樣重覆的 (CA)n 散布於染色體各處,已知的 Microsatellite 有10萬多個,人與人之間有不同的Microsatellites。當DNA的修補出現問題時,(CA)n 會產生變化:有的是重覆的 CA 增加,有的是重覆的 CA 減少,有的是重覆的 CA 不見了,造成這些 Microsatellite 變化之原因來自 DNA mismatch repair (MMR) 的缺陷。Allelic loss 實際上就是一種 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH)。
MMR 的缺陷有些來自先天性的異常,有些來自後天諸多因素之影響,最常見的先天性缺陷是 MMR 的兩個重要蛋白質hMSH2 與 hMLH1 發生突變以致失去功能。B 型與 C 型肝炎病毒感染的肝臟細胞,MMR 會逐漸出現異常,造成某些 Microsatellites 發生變化 (CA 重覆增加、減少、或消失),這種變化稱為 Microsatellite instability (MSI)。MSI 可能為細胞癌化的早期徵兆,偵測肝細胞之 MSI 或許可以預測肝癌的發生,但要做肝臟穿刺取得肝細胞,因此診斷的價值不高。但對於家族性肝癌的族群,偵測 MSI 的確可能是早期預測肝癌發生的有效方法。此外,大腸息肉樣本取得容易,MSI 檢測可預測大腸癌發生的機率。
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) 的英文解說:
1. The hMSH2/ hMSH6 heterodimer that undergoes an ATP-driven conformational change and recruits the hMLHl/hPMS2 heterodimer.
2. The ternary complex can translocate in either direction along the DNA contour (green arrows). When it encounters a strand discontinuity (such as a gap between Okazaki fragments) that may be bound by PCNA (blue circle), loading of an exonuclease (EXO1, red) initiates degradation of the nicked strand towards the mismatch.
3. Should the exonuclease dissociate before it reaches the mismatch, the single-stranded gap will be stabilized by RPA (replication protein A, turquoise diamonds). Loading of the second hMSH2/hMSH6/hMLHl/ hPMS2 complex at the mismatch will stimulate a second round of exonucleolytic degradation.
4. When this process is repeated a third time, the mismatch is removed. The RPA-stabilised single-stranded gap can now be filled in by the replicative polymerase and the remaining nick can be sealed by DNA ligase.