After only 10 months, a network of active-duty chief warrant officers released a devastating report the government was trying to hide. The data reflects reporting from January-November 2021. Here's some info: Myocarditis rose 285 percent; pulmonary embolism rose 467 percent; cerebral infraction rose 393 percent; menstrual irregularities rose 476 percent; multiple sclerosis rose 487 percent; spontaneous abortion rose 306 percent; disseminate intravascular coagulation rose 1,175 percent; HIV rose 590 percent; chest pains rose 1,529 percent, difficult breathing rose 905 percent.Under no circumstance should boys 18-24 (extended to 50 years) be given the vaccine -- the FDA agreed!
On Sept. 28, 2021, Project Sallis reported data to the CDC. Dr. Anthony Fauci stated 99 percent of hospitalizations were unvaxed. The report stated 71 percent were newly vaxed and 60 percent of hospitalizations were fully vaxed people.
Johns Hopkins proved vaccinations and masks do not prevent you from getting COVID-19. Dr. Peter McCullough, who does 40,000 biopsies a year, said there's been a 300 percent increase in cancer in vaccinated people. President Joe Biden received a records preservation letter after reports showed DOD altering data.
Spikes in cancer incidence in just one year reported by Renz’s “whistleblowers” are, quite simply, completely implausible from a biologic standpoint. Why is that? Cancer is the culmination of a process that, in general, takes years, from the initial insult that resulted in cellular transformation to the development of a cancerous tumor detectable by symptoms, physical exam, or screening tests.
他的觀點錯在沒有Pre-cancer multiple first hits的概念,人活了二三十年,「First hits」早就遍布全身細胞的染色體(人越老First hit突變越多),但細胞不會癌化。現在已有研究證實疫苗mRNA可在人體存在60天以上。版主再拿下圖來解說:
Lipid nanoparticle在24小時內會把所有mRNA送進細胞,進入多少就是多少,從Day2起,細胞內的mRNA只會減少,不會增加。Day7是正常的mRNA表現,Day16--->Day37是Chromosome-spike gene表現出來的mRNA,Pseudouridine mRNA不可能維持那麼久,也不可能造成Day7--->Day16--->Day37 mRNA量增加那麼可怕。D37,mRNA已轉換成ds DNA隨機插入染色體,引發Multiple second hits,這是人類自己蓄意為之,不是偶發的。偶發一個Cancer cell,NK cell與CTL會立刻摧毀之,因此癌症發生並不容易,但全身細胞遭ds DNA-->Chromosome的Multiple second hits,太多Cancer cell一次引爆,超過NK cell與CTL能察覺的範圍,就會讓漏網之魚坐大,癌細胞幾個月內以等比級數長出來絕對可能。
美軍「disseminate intravascular coagulation rose 1,175 percent(~12X normal); HIV rose 590 percent(~7X normal)」這是兩個可怕的數字,那麼大,不會是造假的數字,也不是模稜兩可的數字,代表疫苗嚴重破壞免疫系統,NK cell與CTL偵察Cancer cell的能力大減,癌症發生率增加400%很正常。版主就遇到一個病例,母親罹患肺癌,於是全家去做低劑量電腦斷層,二十幾歲大學剛畢業,打完兩劑疫苗,兩個月後電腦斷層顯示一個1.2公分的肺癌。
- Feb 11 Fri 2022 12:53