1. 醫學原文書是最好的學習英文方式,對於讀與寫都有幫助,尤其是畢業後發表文章。
2. 國防醫學院學生有暑期赴美研究計劃,時間在大三暑假,大一大二開始接觸研究工作,大三申請。
3. 醫學生校對校交換計劃。
4. 其它學習英文的方法,自行發揮。
My name is OOO. I come from Taiwan, a first year medical student. It’s a great honor for me to have the opportunity to attend the meeting and introduce to you the medical school in which I am studying, National Defense Medical Center, NDMC. NDMC is a medical school with featured military culture. The school has a history of more than one hundred years originally established in China and now located in Taipei, Taiwan. The entering students will have two-month boot camp training before the first school year begins. The school trains medical doctors in uniformed services and provides general medical education from basic medicine to clinical practice with special military extensions such as combat medical skills, aviation medicine, undersea medicine, and NBC defense (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapon). In summer sessions, the students have unique courses including EMT-1 & 2, military contigency medicine, and combat medic training. The students live in school dormitory in which army outfits are constructed to prepare them with military life. So, as you can imagine, we live and study together in the school on weekdays. Life and leaning in NDMC are unique and fruitful because the school ‘s education is based on military complex.
medical school: 醫學院
medical school with featured military culture: 具軍事色彩的醫學院
entering student: 新生
boot camp training: 入伍訓
uniformed services: 軍隊
doctor in uniformed services = military surgeon 或 military physician
combat medical skills: 戰術醫療
aviation medicine: 航空醫學
undersea medicine: 海底醫學
NBC defense: 核生化防護
army outfit: 軍隊組織, 裝備, 服裝等
EMT: Emergency medical techician
military contingency medicine: 軍事災難(意外)醫學
combat medic training: 戰傷醫療訓練
Good morning, professors.
My name is O O O. My friends call me Michael. I feel honored to have an opportunity to introduce myself in this well-known Medical Center. I grew up in a warm family. My father is a civil engineer, and my mother is a school teacher. And I have a little brother. He is a student in a middle school. I have to say that I am so fortunate as to be raised in such a great family. I found myself interested in medicine when I read something about human body and diseases in high school. I particularly liked to watch TV program on human development. Then, I was curious about how people got diseases and had a desire to study the causes. I knew this academy because I ever attended a medical camp in summer of 2013. To tell the truth, I’ve been full of respect for soldiers since I was a little boy. And I hoped to be one when I grow up. It was a dream before, but I believe it will become a real life soon. This is why I come here to pursue a career as a military physician. I hope to be one of you and one of the best. That's all I want in the future. Thank you very much.
面試英文包羅萬象,不善說英文的考生很吃虧,有一次考官問:「請用英文說說你為何想讀國防醫學院」,你可以用自己的角度回答。1995年有一部電影「危機總動員 (Outbreak)」,描述自非洲散佈的可怕病毒,兩位美國軍醫找到病源,讓受感染之災民獲救。
The medical college I visit right here aims to train doctors to work in the military. I saw a movie a few years ago. It’s called Outbreak. A deadly virus came from Africa. It caused dreadful infection upon American people. Two military physicians worked out to look for the virus. They found the origin the virus came from and produced anti-serum to save people who got infection. Oh, I was attracted by Sam acted by Dustin Hoffman, a brave guy who saved his wife and a lot of people. He is a military physician as you are and as I would be. I wish to have a chance to study here and learn something about military stuff. This is why I come for an interview. (軍費生)
Oh, I was attracted by Sam acted by Dustin Hoffman, a brave guy who saved his wife and a lot of people. Since then, I've been curious about military physicians. I wish to have a chance to study here and learn something about military stuff. This is why I come for an interview. (自費生與代訓生)
1. NDMC, established near the end of Ching Dynasty, has a history of more than one hundred years and got her name National Defense Medical Center after the Second World War. History records the pass routes of humans. The one hundred years of NDMC cover not only medicine but also warfare. There exist conflicts, hard to account for, between human beings behind war. I like the military philosophy contained in NDMC in that medicine is involved with warfare, creating the unique humanities never found in medical schools other than the one in here.
2. When I was a child, I was interested in flying bodies in the sky. Then I knew one of them is fighter plane when I grew up. Since then, I have been curious about the guy who flies the fighter plane. After all, I realize that they are pilots, namely aviation officers. I like to watch fighter plane models. I’m also impressed by handsome images of aviation officers and hope to take care of them as a flight surgeon.
3. The answer is simple. NDMC fits me. As a would-be medical student, I like NDMC much more than others because of regular life, clean environment, and convenient board and lodging in here. Fellow students live together day and night so that I can settle down myself to get along with people. Here is a good place to study medicine and learn to manage people. In addition, I'd like to have chance doing medical research. Here, student dormitory is at walking distance to laboratory. So I don’t have to waste time and energy to commute. I'll say here indeed is an ideal study place I am eager to have for the coming six years. NDMC has incomparable merits never found in other medical schools. I hope to be one member of NDMC and join you after the boot camp training.
Yes, you are right. I am under high pressure every day to deal with quizzes and exams. I love to play basketball. We have a group. Sometimes we play in the evening and on weekend. I always feel better after a bout of play. Sometimes I jog a while after a few hours of studying. And sometimes I switch on TV for a short relaxation, National Geographic or Basketball. These are the ways I deal with pressure I met in the past year.
I did not have any experience managing a man who faints and falls to the ground. But I can imagine the situation. First, I will see if he is injured. Then, I will call 119 to get an ambulance and a policeman. I did not learn Basic Life Support before (BLS course), so I will arouse people in the street, who ever took the course to help him. That's all I can do.
100年有考官要考生用英文說 “我們為何要錄取你?”
a) 我的學測成績證明我的知識水準。
b) 我站在此地的表現就足以證明我夠資格。
First I would like to thank NDMC to let me have this opportunity to come here for an interview. I was chosen to be a candidate because I am qualified in knowledge from the test I took in January this year. I am here to prove myself that I will do well in the coming six years and in my future career as a doctor in military hospital. I am sure I make the right and best decision. You can take my word for it.
Medical education requires a very long period. As far as I know, every doctor is busy. So I think a good doctor needs to be professional in his field to make right diagnosis and treatment plan for patients. Also a good doctor needs to give thought to his patients. Namely stand on the site of a patient. Sometimes a patient may worry about his disease too much and ask more questions. So listening to patients makes a good doctor.
- Mar 13 Fri 2015 18:03