在美國,我逐漸習慣使用某些現在進行式 ( Spoken English – 4)
A: This is Holiday Inn. May I help you? 
B: I am calling to
make a reservation. What kind of vacancy do you have? (我想訂位,你們有哪些空房?)

寫文章時的開頭語:I am writing to
thank you for the kind invitation.

別人聽不懂自己的話時,回答他時的口頭語:What I am saying is
you need to upgrade your Microsoft Word.

I am telling you the world is flat. 我想()告訴你,地球是平的。(The world is flat Thomas Frideman 的著作,值得一看。

A: I have to say Ralph should not leave his boss's lab.
B: You are telling me ! 你不正在說嗎?我也這麼想。意思是,I agree with you.

A: What courses do you take this semester?
I am taking Advanced Biochemistry, Biostatistics, and Immunology.
(I take
Advanced Biochemistry, Biostatistics, and Immunology. 這樣答是對的,但少了 "正在修課" 的味道。)

另外,「come back」也很適合當口語。

A: How’s your paper going? (
你的 paper下落如何?)
B: Stop saying it. It
comes back with very negative comments (別提了,它回來了,得到非常差的評語。)

I came down with high fever yesterday. My mom drove me to see a doctor. He did a flu test. It
came back positive. The doctor sent me home with Tamiflu.
我昨天發高燒,媽咪載我去看醫生。醫生做了流感測試,結果(回來come back)是陽性,他開了克流感 (Tamiflu) 給我回家。

Come down with
The doctor sent me home with Tamiflu.
I upgraded my old computer. You know? It
came back like new.  

I was too optimistic to upgrade my computer. It
came back as nothing happened. You know
P.S. : It came back like nothing happened. 比較口語但不合文法
I renovated my old car. Oh, It
came back great


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