
(CNN) -- A healthcare worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive for Ebola after a preliminary test, the state's health agency said. Confirmatory testing will be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

The employee helped care for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person ever diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. Duncan died on Wednesday.

"We knew a second case could be a reality, and we've been preparing for this possibility," Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, said in a statement Sunday morning.


FORT HOOD, Tex. — Forgoing combat rifles and body armor, U.S. troops preparing to fight Ebola in Liberia were instead stepping gingerly Thursday into white germ-proof suits and pulling on thick, blue rubber gloves and gas masks.

About 500 soldiers were doing three days of infectious disease training inside a concrete-floored building on Texas' sprawling Fort Hood — getting ready to join as many as 3,900 troops nationwide authorized to go to areas affected by the virus.

Army medical personnel will treat patients who have Ebola while engineers plan to build temporary medical centers. How long they'll be deployed is unclear.

截至 2014-10-10,美國與歐洲都有零星的病例。

如果伊波拉病毒出現在台灣,網路鄉民的第一反應是衛福部防疫不力,疾病管制署長要下台,衛福部長將是另一個箭靶。台灣人眼界太淺,Ptt 鄉民沒有能力把觸角伸出台灣,只能在台灣炒油。從古到今數千年,假貨一直存在;假貨甚麼時候有停止過?如果假貨能停止,貪婪會滅亡,人類也會滅亡。不只是魏家的油有問題,你身旁吃的用的劣質假貨早已數不完,只是大家沒去查罷了。你把每件吃的用的,追溯到上游,全都有膺品,全都有「化學」,你生在這個年代,如何能避開汙染?走出戶外,空氣汙染是肺癌的因子,你能不開車不坐車嗎?行政院應訂出罰則,公布廠商讓全民了解,不吃魏家商品,抵制也可以,但不能心存罰到他死,罰到他倒的心態。陳水扁沒當總統時道德標準是多麼高,當完總統八年後又如何?


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