說英文首先要暫時拋開文法文法是書報及學術文章的修辭規範你若拋不開文法說話就會慢半拍。多想想簡單的字,say, understand, own, exist, contain, mean, want, make, turn 。課堂上,學生發問與老師回答,專業詞彙之外都是很通俗的字句。下面是版主虛構的模擬問答:

In your second -to-last slide, you said that oxygen is the acceptor of high-energy electron. But I still don’t understand how hydrogen owns high energy in a cell and in mitochondria. How does hydrogen exist alone ? It contains high energy in the form of hydrogen plus an electron (H)? Is that what you mean?

What I want to say to you is hydrogen splits from the organic molecule NADH. An electron comes with it, that is, a hydrogen plus an electron (H), but this is only a transient status. What I am saying is splitting makes an unstable hydrogen. “Unstable” is the source of energy.

When you burn a wood, a small fire splits carbon and hydrogen from organic molecules in the wood. And then you see a big fire burning. Finally, the wood turns into a smoke, evaporating into the air. The smoke is made up of water and carbon dioxide, with elements coming from organic molecules within the wood.

I have to say that energy is contained inside the wood. To speak straight, a small fire makes a big fire from a wood. And the big fire can cook food for you to eat. Do you see energy? Well, an organism cannot combust biomolecules like burning a wood. Energy comes from enzymatic separation of a hydrogen and an electron, as you know, hydrogen is from NADH. As a result, the hydrogen turns into a proton (H+), and the electron, you know with high energy, goes into an electron transport system that let you use energy without feeling a burn inside your body.

So, in your body, hydrogen exists not in the form of free radical (hydrogen + electron) but in the form of hydrogen ion, that is, a proton (H+). The high-energy electron is buffered in a system of protein complexes, that is, electron transport system, in which energy is released from the electron. Finally two protons receive two electrons,  having released energy, at the end of the buffer system, plus a split oxygen atom with a pair of electrons, coming from oxygen gas; all these constitute an H2O, the water molecule.
所以囉,在你的身體裡面,氫並不是以自由基方式存在,而是以 氫離子存在人體中。上面說的高能電子在一個蛋白質的複合系統中得到緩衝,那個複合系統就是電子傳遞系統,能量在此系統中由高能電子緩慢釋出。最後,兩個氫離子等在緩衝系統後面接收電子 (能量已釋放),加上一個從氧氣分裂出來含有成對電子的氧,共同組成一個H2O,也就是水分子。


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