我的博士論文是研究腺病毒 (Adenovirus) 相關的蛋白質在腫瘤細胞表現產生的效應。最近查詢文獻時看到如下的腺病毒文章發表於今年五月的 Journal of Infectious Diseases 期刊,或許可以給年輕的學弟妹們一些做研究的啟發。有些年紀和我相當的中校、上校學長早就失去做研究的潛力,再過五、六年就必須屆退。M90 以後的學弟要加油M100 以後的學弟妹幾乎無缺可佔,不做研究你們怎麼生存

看看下面的文章,軍隊裏流行的感冒也可以做一系列的調查,隨手可得的檢體,只要找到冰箱冷藏就可以做研究。現在分子生物學技術像吃飯一樣容易,再微量的檢體也可用 PCR 的方法做病原的分析定型。只要有一個好的構想 (idea),研究題材隨處可得,端看你有沒有動力去實現那個簡單的想法。

J Infect Dis. 2011 May; 203 (10):1388-95
Pneumonia in military trainees: a comparison study based on adenovirus serotype 14 infection.  
Todd J Vento, Vidhya Prakash, Clinton K Murray, Lorie C Brosch, Juste B Tchandja, Cynthia Cogburn, Heather C Yun
Infectious Diseases Service, Department of Medicine, Brooke Army Medical Center.
Background. Adenovirus serotype 14 (Ad-14) recently emerged as a respiratory pathogen in the United States, with studies suggesting higher morbidity and mortality. This study was conducted to determine whether Ad-14 is associated with clinical outcomes in otherwise healthy patients with pneumonia.

Methods. Medical records of military trainees hospitalized with pneumonia during an outbreak of Ad-14 infection were reviewed. Clinical, radiographic, and laboratory parameters were compared on the basis of Ad-14 infection.
Results. Two hundred thirty-four trainees received a diagnosis of pneumonia, and 83(35%) were hospitalized. Sixty-one percent of patients with pneumonia were Ad-14 positive; 43% of patients with Ad-14 pneumonia were hospitalized (83% of female patients and 40% of male patients; P =.04), compared with 40% of patients with Ad-14 negative cases. Ad-14 infection was associated with higher admission temperature (38.3oC [interquartile range,(IQR) 37.7, 39.4] vs 37.3oC [IQR (36.7, 38.5)]; P <.01) and lower white blood cell count (8.3 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 5.7, 12.4] vs 13 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 7.5, 12.9]; P =.01), neutrophil count (6.7 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 2.8, 9.7] vs 9.7 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 5.6, 12.1]; P =.02), lymphocyte count (0.9 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 0.8, 1.1] vs 1.3 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 1, 1.9]; P =.001), and platelet count (210 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 145, 285] vs 261 × 1000 cells/μL [IQR, 238, 343]; P <.01). Ad-14 pneumonia was not associated with specific radiographic findings, pneumonia severity score, intensive care unit admission, longer hospitalization, or 30-day mortality.
Conclusions. During an outbreak of Ad-14 infection, Ad-14 infection was not associated with excess overall morbidity or mortality. Ad-14 infection was associated with specific laboratory and clinical parameters and higher hospitalization rates in female trainees. These data provide new insight to the epidemiology of Ad-14 infection.


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