西元2000年之後,醫學知識快速更新,不管是Lehninger Biochemistry或是Janeway Immunobiology皆非出自一人之手。如果你有認真在讀原文書,你常會發現Typing errors,也會發現作者不小心寫錯某些細節,甚至出現一些難以理解的觀念。我們先來瞭解一下免疫細胞的Receptor Ligand,如下圖:

上圖CTL(Cytotoxic T lymphocyte)即CD8+ T cell
CD28CTL 上的ReceptorCD80/86DC(Dendritic cell)上的LigandReceptorLigand結合後,Receptor 端活化,即CTL活化。
CD40DC(Dendritic cell)上的ReceptorCD40LCD4+ T cell上的LigandReceptorLigand結合後,Receptor 端活化,即DC活化。

Ligand Receptor結合後不一定是活化有時是抑制最明顯的例子是TNF-aTNF-a receptor的結合若在免疫細胞則是活化(activation and survival)若在上皮、肌肉及神經細胞則是抑制(Inhibition and apoptosis)

BTLA (B and T lymphocyte attenuator) contains an ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif) and an ITSM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif) and is expressed on activated T cells and B cells, as well as on some cells of the innate immune system. Unlike CD28-family members, however,
BTLA does not interact with B7 ligands but binds
a member of the TNF receptor family; called the herpesvirus entry molecule (HVEM), this receptor is highly expressed on resting T cells and immature dendritic cells. When BTLA and HVEM are co-expressed on the same cell, BTLA utilizes a second mechanism that further inhibits lymphocyte activation. In this configuration, BTLA binds to HVEM and prevents HVEM from binding to alternative partners that would stimulate NFkB-dependent pro-survival signaling pathways downstream of HVEM. Alternatively, when BTLA and HVEM are expressed on different cells, the interaction of these two receptors functions to stimulate the positive pro-survival signal in the HVEM-expressing cells.
另外,BTLA主要表現在已活化的B cellT cellHVEM主要表現在Dendritic cell (活化或未活化)及未活化的B cellT cell

上圖顯示APCT cell之間ReceptorLigand的關係(├-- 代表抑制←- 代表活化雖然圖中BTLAT cell上,HVEMAPC上,但T cell與APC兩者都能表現BTLAHVEM
Dendritic cell(DC)可以胞膜上的HVEMreceptor接觸病毒蛋白而活化DC再去活化T cellB cellNaïve Memory B/T cells的胞膜上很少BTLA,隨著活化後,胞膜上的BTLA逐漸增加。B/T cell胞膜上的BTLAAPC上的HVEM接觸後
T cell-(BTLA)-(HVEM)-APC
BTLA receptor binds HVEM ligand,活性過強的T cell會被抑制
HVEM receptor binds BTLA ligandAPC被活化來維持清除病毒的免疫反應。
When BTLA and HVEM are expressed on different cells, the interaction of these two receptors functions to stimulate the positive pro-survival signal in the HVEM-expressing cells.
如果Activated B cell T cell同時表現BTLA +HVEM則B cell, T cell, Dendritic cell等免疫細胞彼此碰撞的結果HVEM ligand-BTLA receptor的抑制效應>>BTLA ligand-HVEM receptor的活化效應所以原文中寫著When BTLA and HVEM are co-expressed on the same cell, BTLA utilizes a second mechanism that further inhibits lymphocyte activation.


流感病毒若入侵神經細胞進去之後通常出不來因為神經細胞已高度分化流感病毒無法利用神經細胞製造病毒顆粒但病毒的RNA卻仍可在神經細胞表現病毒蛋白,經由MHC class I分子呈現在細胞膜上,被CTL察覺後攻擊之並啟動免疫反應吸引Dendritic cell及CD4+ T cellB cell過來對病毒進行包圍事實上也許根本沒有病毒從神經細胞釋放出來而是免疫反應缺乏抑制作用導致腦部聚集大量的Dendritic cell, B cell, T cellCytokines過多造成神經細胞快速死亡。如果病毒只感染神經膠細胞(Glial cell),該女童不會那麼快就死亡


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